Leopold van der Pals with the russian poet André Belyj
Leopold van der Pals (1884 - 1966)
Daughter Lea, Leopold and father Henrik van der Pals
The siblings: Henriett, Nikolai, Lucy, Max, Emmy and Leopold van der Pals around 1960
The family:
Max, Leopold, Lucy,
Mother Lucy, Etty, Father Henrik, Emmy and
Nikolai van Gilse van der Pals
year 1900
Lea, Leopold and Maruscha van der Pals
Leopold, brother Nikolai, father Henrik and Saga (wife of Nikolai) van der Pals in the 1920´s
Publicity photo from the 1920´s
Publicity folder from the 1920´s
Engravement of Leopold van der Pals by G. Douful, Paris 1935
Wife and husband, Maruscha and Leopold van der Pals
Maruscha, Leopold and Lea van der Pals around 1910
Leopold van der Pals around 1910
The family:
Nikolai, Lucy
Leopold, Max, Father Henrik
Etty and Emmy van Gilse van der Pals
year 1905